To order your Nurse Product You,
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Honor Your Nurses On This Special Day!
The Product You Experience
Product You® is utilized to create Group and Individual Nursing profiles, with the emphasis being on distilling the “Core Essence” and “Uniqueness” of the individual(s) being interviewed (online/in person).
In addition to a mini-story being created for each Nurse, we also bring in a Photographer for beautiful profile photos.
Ultimately, these celebratory vignettes are transformed into Posters, Digital pieces and further utilized in a variety of future Recruitment and Referral Marketing campaigns.
Products & Pricing
A. Product You Nurse Recognition Profiles
1. 1-3 Nurses: $1,000/Nurse
2. 4-6 Nurses: $850/Nurse
3. 7-10 Nurses: $750/Nurse
4. Unit Interviews/Profiles: $2,150
B. Profile Prints – Full color profile printed and framed for presentation
1. 8 x 10”, $65 per framed print
2. 11 x 17”, $85 per framed print
C. Microsite Development – Showcase your branded organization, nurses and departments based on Product You® profiles
1. Three (3) web pages $3,000.00 total
2. Five (5) web pages $4,500.00 total
D. Social Media Integration – Social media posts created for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn with links back to your branded Microsite. This option is only available with purchase of a Microsite. Five (5) social media posts, $1,250.00
E. Magazine* – Incorporate your Product You® profile(s) and recognize your organization’s top-notch nurses in’s special National Nurses Week print edition publishing on Monday, May 8th (Deadline: Friday, March 31st)
* media rates apply and do not include Sky Advertising creative ad production
1. Non-contract rates: Full page $15,000; Half page $10,500; Quarter page $6,500
2. Contract rates: Please contact your account executive for a quote
F. Digital Resource Guide
(Deadline: Thursday, April 6th)
1. Non-contract rates: Full page (premium) $6,000; Half page (standard) $4,000
2. Contract rates: Please contact your account executive for a quote